I am very easy on myself. I judge myself by my intentions and everyone else by their actions. Oh and I expect everyone else to as well, I mean judge ME by my intentions not actions. And could you also lavish me with praise when I STOP doing some self destructive thing? I live for the Cheap POP!. Here's a link to an old blog post that defines a "cheap pop".
It's not crazy to set a goal of an appropriate weight. To not stop until I'm at a healthy weight. I need to lose 88 pounds from right now. That's a whole Olsen twin, a model, or a Pussycat Girl before the breast augmentation.

I was there when I got dressed. I have a mirror (to which I never turn sideways BTW) I saw the hot mess that was there before the spandex squoze me into a burrito shape. I look like Homer Simpson. The ice cream cone lower half and a giant scoop o' fat guy on top.
I need to lose about a hundred pounds. Still, not just from the sad pathetic high of last year (293 yikes) but from now. I weighed in Wednesday at 254. I'm 5'10" I should weigh 166. I did once, right out of basic training. I was so thin my mother walked right by me at the MP School graduation. My own mother didn't recognize me at the right weight.

To get there I need to look at myself with an honest eye, not with a cruel eye ( I have Justin Kincaid for that) but the eye of truth. To that end lets go back to the picture above and get honest.
I chose it because I like it. I think I look healthy and not un-fit. More than one friend has commented on how much they liked it. But I looked at it again as if it were a stranger or someone who was dating my ex-wife.... and here's what I saw.

I'd like to be able to take my shirt off at the beach. I'd like to not look horrific naked. I'd really like to be a healthy weight.
So I have a ton of work to do. The ironic part is all I have to do is eat as my body is deigned to eat and I'll get there. Seems so simple.
Of course when I lose all this weight I'll need to have the excess skin removed. I'll have 160 pounds of sausage in a 300 pound skin. Got to be at least 15 pounds of skin to take off.
But the skin removal is a whole other post for much later. Thank god chicks did scars.
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