Now that I'm trying to stop eating addictive, processed foods and go vegan, friends and relatives are actively encouraging me to stop. They seem truly worried that I'll get sick. Worried that it's dangerous. People who have seen me eat three double Quarter Pounders w/cheese are worried that my quinoa, kale, onion, pepper stir fry is going to leave me anemic, weak and ill. Now that's a triumph of marketing.
A cousin who is a college administrator and former professor sent me a recent study about vegetarians and increased risk of certain diseases*. My family and friends often cite imagined statistics about the need for meat, the dangers of veganism, how I'm going to hurt myself by quitting "real" food.
The processed food loddy juggernaut has truly changed reality. We even joke about rewarding ourselves with food we KNOW to be awful for us. "I deserve to eat something bad, I've been good all week"

In fact every big food company has guys in lab coats researching their food. Not to make it better for you but to make it more addictive.
Even the diet food, no ESPECIALLY the diet food. Diet food is a trap. Oh, let me tell you about "Diet" food.
The 12 step group for this addiction is Food Addicts Anonymous. Their program is strict and rightly so. Here is where it ties into diet food. FAA was founded by a woman, lets call her Linda, who was briefly an executive with a international diet food company that bears a womans name. Linda a dietitian with an MBA who struggled with her weight all her life had just joined the company with high hopes and a sense of real purpose. Linda dutifully reviewed the food plans and recipes of the company and discovered some problems. Linda worked up some fixes that would make the program MORE successful. Really help clients lose weight, get healthy and keep the weight off for life.

Look I'm not saying everyone has to do what I'm doing. Just as there are people who can drink a little and not ruin their lives, there are people who can eat addictive foods and remain healthy. People who can hang out in the mens room, at the park, at night and play "just the tip". I'm not one of them.
So while I appreciate the concern if you come at me with your uninformed bullshit I will respond. If you suggest to me my diet is unhealthy, you will get the vegan rant in full force. But hey if you adopt my philosophy of "eat and let eat" we can all just get along.
* An Austrian study (click here to read the study) of vegetarians not vegans. Vegetarians tend to consume more dairy which is the likely culprit in the increase in some health problems.
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