
Livin the dream

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Fast and Furious

Whenever I have done this fast in the past I always hear from people; “you know fasting don't work, right?” or “you can really hurt yourself fasting”. Well let me clarify I hear that stuff from FAT people. Only fat people think fasting doesn't work. Skinny people know it works, cause that's how you stay skinny, you eat almost nothing. Well almost nothing compared to what I, a disgusting fat body eats.

Now before you go all "don't be so hard on your self" and "you've been thru a lot recently" and  "give your self a break" DON'T!

This is not punishment, or abuse, this is love. Self love.

There are many who believe that caloric restriction and or intermittent fasting is a key to a longer and heather life. I'll include some links to wiki articles below.

But here is my theory:

Humans are not designed to sit and eat all day. We were hunter gathers who evolved farming and food production faster than our bodies evolved to adjust to the constant presence of food.

We were running around eating what we found or killed and some days there was none. Some days there was plenty but most days there was not.

I think (and there is research to back this) that we humans function best, are healthiest when we can't sit and eat all the time. Imagine having to really physically work for food? What if you had to walk several miles to gather some berries and that was it for the day? Burning calories to get fewer calories.

Now we have processed food everywhere. The waiting room where I work has cookies and cakes and doughnuts, you know just in case a customer is between meals.   And of course it's all processed carb heavy foods that can last in a plastic wrapper for a year or two.
Carbohydrates = sugar, period. Especially processed carb food like bread/wheat/pasta/cakes...all the complex carbohydrates that make up the average American diet. And processed carbs like cake and pasta are to natural carbs what crack is to cocaine. Stronger, faster acting and a destroyer of lives.

Look at what happens to aboriginal populations once processes food is introduced? People who have never seen a tooth brush but have amazingly strong, perfect white teeth look like life long meth addicts in a matter of months once introduced to processed food. Diabetes and obesity are rampant in aboriginal populations introduced to a processed food diet. We eat shit.  Mostly figuratively (but occasionally literally in the form of processed meat products, see/read Fast-food Nation and never buy a burger again), and get the expected results.

I think of Daniel Day Lewis in Last of the Mohicans, he ran about 6 marathons on film and ate like a hand full of berries and half a squirrel the whole time. Who wins marathons? 50 Year old, 105lb, barefoot Kenyans. I'm just saying, heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, and many other killers of average Americans can be CURED by diet, proper hydration and exercise; that’s right CURED buy walking, drinking water not sodas and putting down the fork!

But I digress, back to the Master Cleanse. Not a proper fast but rather a liquid only extreme low calorie cleansing diet for 10-30 days. Pioneered 60 years ago by a health nut who was arrested for practicing medicine without a license but hey even a broken watch is right twice a day.

Since it's inception the diet has been used widely and with great success. I have done it twice in the past to jump start a new program. It works for me so I love it.

In 8 oz of pure water add 2 tbs of fresh squeezed lemon juice, 2 tbs of dark amber class b pure maple syrup and a big dash of cayenne pepper. You can make it a gallon at a time by adding 1.5 cups juice, 1.5 cups syrup and a heaping tbs of cayenne. Pour out about 3 cup of a gallon jug of purified water first and you're all set. Using organic products is said to aid in the detox and the organic lemons taste better I think.

You drink 8-16 glasses of the lemonade a day and lots of water....thats it.

To boost the cleanse aspect a morning “flush” is recommended. 16oz of water with 2 tbs of un-iodinized salt gulped down as fast as possible on an empty stomach. Then an evening laxative Herbal tea like the aptly named Smooth Move.

This is where the “Fast and Furious” pun fleshes out. Fast and then run furiously to the toilet.

But you also lose weight fast and furiously. And the more you have to lose the faster it comes off. So I can conservatively expect to lose 15-20 pounds in 10 days. Not a misprint (or bad math Scott ;-)) but reality. When you're a BFG it comes off quick.

Here's some links to support my weak ass assertions and the wild leaps of assumption committed above:

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