Memorial Day weekend, I took my 9 year old Beau to the USA Para-Triathlon National Championship which was run in conjunction with the Capitol of Texas Triathlon. We did the Expo Sunday and then watched the race Monday. The whole experience was wonderful.
The event sold out with 3000 participants registered. Professionals, amateurs, first timers and the para-athletes, it was amazing. But the best part by far was watching my son as he cheered on the para-athletes, running up to high five and hug them as they came across the finish line.
First the expo, Sunday May 26th

Livin the dream
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
Thursday, May 23, 2013
Extra Extra Extra Extra Extra Large
The biggest size I ever bought was a 5X-L. At my top weight (335lbs) in 2005. It was a t-shirt from, where else, Walmart. It actually fit nicely. It was one of the many last straws.
America loves them "Extra Large". 'cause that's 'merica man! We like everything writ extree large!
In my case it was writ extra, extra, extra, extra, extra large. That's crazy. What
must the 97lb garment sweat shop workers think? But to be fair my usual size was only extra extra extra large. Extra extra extra large is conveniently annotated at Walmart by a black plastic ring on the neck of the hanger. I drifted between extra extra large and extra extra extra large most of my adult life.
America loves them "Extra Large". 'cause that's 'merica man! We like everything writ extree large!
In my case it was writ extra, extra, extra, extra, extra large. That's crazy. What
must the 97lb garment sweat shop workers think? But to be fair my usual size was only extra extra extra large. Extra extra extra large is conveniently annotated at Walmart by a black plastic ring on the neck of the hanger. I drifted between extra extra large and extra extra extra large most of my adult life.
Wednesday, May 22, 2013
Baby steps across the pool

I started swim training today and it was a big hit. No knee pain, no back pain, no sweat; Just good old fashioned fatigue and some welcome soreness that says I was working hard.
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food” Hippocrates

Food was a drug I abused. I was an addict. I used food to feel better. It's a short term fix with horrific side effects. Most of the people I know see food that way. Food is not fuel to run the body or a source of nutrition for care and repair of the body. Food was just a drug used to change how I felt in the moment. A junkie who needed a fix. Food was my drug of choice. It's actually a lot of peoples drug, especially in Mississippi.
"Food is the most widely abused anti-anxiety drug in America, and exercise is the most potent and underutilized antidepressant." - Bill Phillips
Monday, May 20, 2013
Trading short term pleasure for long term pain.

At 9 he eats a better variety of nutritious foods then most of the Mississippi adults I know. He's ahead of the game in many ways.
Friday, May 17, 2013
Oh oh the Wells Fargo Wagon's comin' down the street, oh please let it be for me.

Finding the things I need to make it work here as a fledgling vegan and an aspiring triathlete requires effort, planning and patience. Making due with the limited offering's of the various grocery stores and occasionally going into town for supplies. Buying equipment at Walmart, struggling with the workout options (more on this later). For everything else there is and FedEx-Home
I can see by your outfit that you are a .... triathlete
I was getting dressed this morning for a ride. I just got my new cycling gloves in from Amazon and was pulling them on when it hit me.... bike cleats, compression , padded cycle pants, compression shirt under bike jersey, Iron Man Timex and IM shades, riding gloves, helmet.... It hit me.... I'm wearing a costume. I'm in a calculated, brightly colored, nearly skin tight costume. And I'm strangely OK with that.
I think Mick Jagger said "All performers are drag queens". If he didn't he should have.
I think Mick Jagger said "All performers are drag queens". If he didn't he should have.
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
Louie Anderson Signature edition
Most triathlons require that you wear a wetsuit for the swim. I just ordered my first. Biggest size they carry. It came today, it fits, no I will not be posting a picture.... yet. Hopefully I'll be buying a new much smaller one by next year for Iron Man.I found a lap sized pool in McComb and am working out the hours so I can get there two or three days a week. The pool is only open 8-5 and my work schedule makes that an issue. However it seems to be working out.
Another favorite quick and tasty
Rocked some stuffed twice baked potatoes last night. Baked them (not steamed) then scooped out the meat, replaced half with spinach and artichoke, cashew sour cream, topped with non dairy cheddar and red peppers. Re-baked and delicious!
The "vegan dosen't suck" recipe of the week.
I am rockin' some vegan grub. This weeks fav is a roasted veggie wrap with tofu roast beef and non dairy cheese. Here it is.
Tuesday, May 14, 2013
Packin' heat on the bike.

I don't want to spray the dog, well at least I didn't til yesterday when he nipped at me. He actually got my heel in his mouth. I just can't have that.
I don't want to be that guy....
You know the one, "that guy" who can't eat anywhere, asks a hundred questions of the server, makes everyone suffer for his dietary restrictions... I refuse to be that guy.
Especially when the dining out is for a special occasion like mothers day. So I take steps to ensure I am not a drag on the outing. I do some research, check out the website and menu for the restaurant. So when mothers day rolled around I was prepped and ready. I did two meals out with mixed results. Here are my reviews.
Friday, May 10, 2013
"Announcing your plans is a good way to hear God laugh"- Al Swearengen: Deadwood

I've got some goals, like lose 100+ pounds, reverse some health issues and become fit. I'm on my way to achieving them but these are goals that lack hard deadlines.
I've got a big long term goal with a deadline, the Iron Man 70.3 in April 2014, but that's a long way off, (sometimes it seems like it will be here tomorrow, but still).
I needed a closer deadline to make this all get real. So we're off to the Tupelo KotH; I just paid the registration fee and booked the hotel room for this, my first triathlon, so this is real.
Deadlines are a big deal. I know, because it was one of the few things my father ever taught me on purpose. Allow me to explain.
Thursday, May 9, 2013
Zen and the art bicycle maintenance.

I tried to get on the treadmill this morning and was smacked down by the hand of pain.
This is a set back at the moment. Minor but annoying. I had momentum. I was charging forward. Now I'm afraid to take a deep breath.
Tuesday, May 7, 2013
"What cha readin' fer?" - Bill Hicks
One of my favorite bits by Bill Hicks (comics' comic and social comentary genius), has Bill in a Waffle House reading a book and the waitress asks him "What cha readin' fer?". His response; "I guess so I don't end up a Waffle waitress"
I get a similar question. "What cha stop eating shit fer?" But the answer is not so obvious.
I’ve made changes in my diet and lifestyle that are radical. As a result I have lost significant weight (7 weeks 42lbs) and it is noticeable. I’ve had quite a few people ask me about it. I tell them I went vegan. They want to know why. Why now? Answering that simple question is harder than it should be. Honestly I don't know.
I get a similar question. "What cha stop eating shit fer?" But the answer is not so obvious.
I’ve made changes in my diet and lifestyle that are radical. As a result I have lost significant weight (7 weeks 42lbs) and it is noticeable. I’ve had quite a few people ask me about it. I tell them I went vegan. They want to know why. Why now? Answering that simple question is harder than it should be. Honestly I don't know.

Add to that, that I live in Mississippi, USA; the fattest state in the fattest country in the history of the world. Talk about eating for optimum health in Mississippi.... people will automatically look at you like you're crazy. "Wait a minute, you don't eat no bacon... no cheese... none at all....why? You like sick er sumpin'?"
So again: Why all this change and why now?
Truthfully I have no explanation. I'm not dying (well not more than usual), I'm not like sick er sumpin' (well I could call in sick everyday and never be lying but I'm not acutely sick). I just happened to be exposed to the right info at the right time and it all fell into place. Suddenly it all seemed to make sense.
Thursday, May 2, 2013
Not Milk?
OK I'm about to rant. If you disagree please comment. But fair warning, I've been researching for weeks and I got this down. And I read it all on the Internet so it must be true. Oh and it is pretty gross as well so not for the faint of heart.
Cow's milk, if discovered today, would be illegal, classified as unsafe for human consumption. More than 75% of the worlds population is lactose intolerant, meaning they can't properly digest dairy, so by definition dairy is unnatural for the vast majority of humans to consume. Dairy has NO beneficial nutritional value, contributes to a host of medical problems, is a filthy product and it is expensive. Each sip contains growth hormones, fat, cholesterol, allergenic proteins, blood, pus, antibiotic, bacteria, feces and harmful viruses.
Thats a lot to digest (like milk) so lets break it down and start with the worst. There is shit and pus in milk.
Let me say that again...there is shit and pus in milk. In hard cheese there is 10 times the level and concentration of the shit and pus in milk; In ice cream, 12 times. SHIT AND PUS....IN THE MILK!
First the shit:
MILK, It does a body wrong.
Cow's milk, if discovered today, would be illegal, classified as unsafe for human consumption. More than 75% of the worlds population is lactose intolerant, meaning they can't properly digest dairy, so by definition dairy is unnatural for the vast majority of humans to consume. Dairy has NO beneficial nutritional value, contributes to a host of medical problems, is a filthy product and it is expensive. Each sip contains growth hormones, fat, cholesterol, allergenic proteins, blood, pus, antibiotic, bacteria, feces and harmful viruses.
Thats a lot to digest (like milk) so lets break it down and start with the worst. There is shit and pus in milk.
Let me say that again...there is shit and pus in milk. In hard cheese there is 10 times the level and concentration of the shit and pus in milk; In ice cream, 12 times. SHIT AND PUS....IN THE MILK!
First the shit:
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