MILK, It does a body wrong.
Cow's milk, if discovered today, would be illegal, classified as unsafe for human consumption. More than 75% of the worlds population is lactose intolerant, meaning they can't properly digest dairy, so by definition dairy is unnatural for the vast majority of humans to consume. Dairy has NO beneficial nutritional value, contributes to a host of medical problems, is a filthy product and it is expensive. Each sip contains growth hormones, fat, cholesterol, allergenic proteins, blood, pus, antibiotic, bacteria, feces and harmful viruses.
Thats a lot to digest (like milk) so lets break it down and start with the worst. There is shit and pus in milk.
Let me say that again...there is shit and pus in milk. In hard cheese there is 10 times the level and concentration of the shit and pus in milk; In ice cream, 12 times. SHIT AND PUS....IN THE MILK!
First the shit:
Cow's milk is allowed to have feces in it. Cows eat feces, stand around in feces, stomp in their feces and their feces ends up in the milk. So there are "allowable levels" because it's cheaper to Pasteurize the milk then to clean up the dairy operation. Dairy cows are diseased, abused and live in filth. (Click here for a Dairy Cow Abuse spy cam video if you dare)
Time to play Idiot Jeopardy!
Can I have "The Obvious" for $300, Alex?
And the answer is "This is why we shouldn't drink milk with shit in it".
What is "Shit in milk is bad?"
There's pus in the milk.
Dairy cows are often sick, they are fed steroids and hormones and loads of antibiotics to maintain their super modified milk production. So they get infections all the time, and infections generate pus, the pus gets into the milk.
Pus in the milk, gotta say, not a big fan.
Sticks and stones and Milk?
But hey forget the pus and shit for a minute. Milk is good for you right? I mean it builds strong bones and teeth...right? So what's a little pus and shit if it's good for you? Well IT"S NOT GOOD FOR YOU!
Milk and dairy does NOT build strong bones and teeth. In fact it does exactly the opposite. Dairy consumption actually increases the risk of fractures because of the animal protein in the milk. Milk leaches calcium FROM your bones and makes you more susceptible to fractures.
The highest rates of osteoporosis is in the countries that consume the most dairy. Where do cows get the calcium to build their large bones? FROM PLANTS! Yes there is lots of calcium in dairy BUT it is unusable to humans in the state delivered.
The magic of dairy fat math, 30% fat magically becomes 2%
Milk has WAY more fat than you think. Because of a successful lobbying campaign cow's milk is allowed to calculate its' fat content by volume, NOT by percentage of calories (unlike every other food item, BTW). Whole milk (4%) is actually 60% fat, 2% milk is 30% fat and 1% milk is 15% fat. think about that, a glass of 2% milk is 30% fat.
Drinking a glass of milk is like taking a big bite out of a stick of butter and washing it down with a glass of water from your toilet that's been strained thru a bloody, pus covered rag. Yum!
But wait there's more:
Even without the blood, pus, shit, fractures and cholesterol milk is still a danger.
Cows' milk is for baby cows, not humans. Even at it's purest it would not be a good idea. ALL cow's milk (regular and 'organic') has 59 active hormones, scores of allergens, fat and cholesterol PLUS: Measurable quantities of herbicides, pesticides, dioxins (up to 200 times the safe levels), up to 52 powerful antibiotics. Cow's milk can have traces of anything the cow, feces and genetically modified feeds. And no one is sure where the genetically modified stuff will lead.
Still want a milk moustache?
The problems with milk are becoming common knowledge. As a result milk consumption is down. Just like Tobacco in the 60's and 70's, the milk producers aren't going to go down with out a fight. We can imagine the response from the $30+ Billion dollar dairy industry. Milk's response is an Orwellian, Ministry of Truth ad campaign filled with enough lies, blue smoke and mirrors to make a tobacco executive blush. But that's the plan, lie, make it up, play on old ingrained assumptions about the product and get celebrities to sell it. Big money, big names and never once "wink".
Got Lies?
I believe that in 10 years milk will be like cigarettes; A known killer, on it's way out. The cool hip people will drink milk as a rebellious statement. Cheese bars will replace cigar bars and the pretentious Cheese Aficionado magazine will be in all the first class airport lounges.The people in "Got Milk" Ads will be seen in the same light as those who did cigarette ads in the 60's, as whores.

On a personal note I have nailed down the cashew based sour cream substitute recipe at last. My new Ninja blender and I cracked the code last night. I had some on chili and it was amazing. We are drinking almond milk and it is great (and designed for human consumption unlike dairy) and using a vegan non dairy cheese that tastes great and melts. perfectly. We make these great shakes with berries and/or bananas, almond milk, ground flax seed and ice.... thick and rich and yummy.
I have done away with dairy completely. No animal products. I feel better, we're losing weight, we're sleeping better, and we're generally happier. My joint pain is subsiding. I am better in every category.
This is amazing stuff, this eating to live. I may have come to the vegan party late but I'm gonna have a blast while I'm here!
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