What if everything you believed about diet and food and illness was wrong?
What if you knew, I mean really KNEW, that to keep eating what you're eating will absolutely make you emotionally miserable, physically sick, fat and make you die sooner?
What if you knew that what you feed your kids is setting them up for illness, disease and an early death?
What if you knew that eating fast/processed food was as bad (if not worse) for you as smoking cigarettes? That diary is poison? That there was shit in the meat? That poultry was basically a delivery system for steroids and chemicals.
What if the Government was in cahoots (love that word) with the industries that keep us sick and peddle the poison?
What if you knew that changing what you eat could not only keep you from getting sick but CURE you of disease and illness?
I know that all those statements are true. I’ve changed my diet accordingly. What I’m struggling with now is what to do next.
I want to help others see what I now see. Like a newly minted religious convert I want to reach out and preach the gospel. But, I am up against an addiction that is completely ingrained in our societal fiber. Americans love their processed/fast food. Big ass burgers, all you can eat buffets, Hey Mom...More Ovalteen...Please! Food, Food, Food!
I want to help others see what I now see. Like a newly minted religious convert I want to reach out and preach the gospel. But, I am up against an addiction that is completely ingrained in our societal fiber. Americans love their processed/fast food. Big ass burgers, all you can eat buffets, Hey Mom...More Ovalteen...Please! Food, Food, Food!
So what if 90% of what we eat is shit and we can prove it? The truth is not enough. Science reports vs a tidal wave of marketing and advertising? Pony tailed hippies selling granola vs hooters girls pimping hot wings? A hand full of conscientious Dr's vs the lobbying might of huge industries? A losing battle.
And to make it harder, these are truths that no one wants to be true. The denial runs deep. Not just with the people addicted to eating shit but also the people who sell the shit. No one want to acknowledge the truth because what then? Industries collapse, economy in free fall, cats and dogs living together, anarchy!
Because of this shared denial and the money being made it's too easy for the big food lobbies to move Congress. How hard is it for the dairy lobby to manipulate the government agencies appointed to protect us. If Congress can agree that frozen pizza is a vegetable how hard is it for the Dairy Lobby to get what it wants?
Senator: "Milk is good for you, right?"
Lobbyist: "Sure it is Senator, now here's a check for your reelection campaign, no strings attached. I do have a suggestion for you though. I know you're looking for someone to head the blue ribbon commission on school lunches; he's the former director of the American Dairy Farmers Association...."
I feel like a conspiracy nut, but the truth is scary. Processed food, fast food, dairy, meat...about 90% of what we eat, is basically poison. It's surreal.
Am I becoming a zealot, a kook, maybe. I can see myself as an evangelist for healthy eating. I think I have found my calling.
And to make it harder, these are truths that no one wants to be true. The denial runs deep. Not just with the people addicted to eating shit but also the people who sell the shit. No one want to acknowledge the truth because what then? Industries collapse, economy in free fall, cats and dogs living together, anarchy!
Because of this shared denial and the money being made it's too easy for the big food lobbies to move Congress. How hard is it for the dairy lobby to manipulate the government agencies appointed to protect us. If Congress can agree that frozen pizza is a vegetable how hard is it for the Dairy Lobby to get what it wants?
Senator: "Milk is good for you, right?"
Lobbyist: "Sure it is Senator, now here's a check for your reelection campaign, no strings attached. I do have a suggestion for you though. I know you're looking for someone to head the blue ribbon commission on school lunches; he's the former director of the American Dairy Farmers Association...."
I feel like a conspiracy nut, but the truth is scary. Processed food, fast food, dairy, meat...about 90% of what we eat, is basically poison. It's surreal.
Am I becoming a zealot, a kook, maybe. I can see myself as an evangelist for healthy eating. I think I have found my calling.
I will go forth out into the world and preach the truth, in the blogosphere, the podcast, and perhaps on the radio. I have a simple message “Stop eating shit!”. Who's with me?
Join me down the rabbit hole. Take the red pill, here's how:
The first step is easy as logging onto Hulu, Youtube or Netflix and watching 4 documentaries.
Food Inc:
Food Matters:
A little tougher, a reading assignment. Read Eat to Live and Fast Food Nation (or find some Dr. Joel Fuhrman videos on Youtube).
There is no more hiding behind not knowing. I have to face the sure knowledge that if I don’t maintain the changes I’ve started I’ll be sicker and die sooner; I’ll miss out on years with my son, with his children, I’ll be sick and fat and die. And it will be all my own fault.
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