The shtick at family gatherings is to respond to a question with "shut the f%*k up". Like, if I said: "You know what I feel like doing?" the response would be an innocent "I don't know, shutting the f%*k up?". That's just how we roll, Murry Chrimah, now STFU!
So it's no surprise when our kids drop an "F" bomb. We don't exactly flaunt the "F" word (OK maybe we do) but kids hear everything! It's not desired but inevitable given our proclivities.
We know they will use the word so we hope for rare, at home use so we can instruct and guide. I'm no prude but I believe a gentleman gives no unintended offense. Offend all you want just mean to do it. Choose your words wisely. And if you choose to use that word you must live with the consequences. My son just dropped his first official "F" bomb and to be honest, I couldn't be prouder!
My son Beau is a wit. He's funny and smart. He also has a flair for idiom and colloquial expressions, he is "Hip", he is all the things I was not as a kid and can barely aspire to now. The kid is just cool, and he's only 9.

I explain to him that it is a grown up word often misused, especially by grown ups. A thinking person chooses their words carefully.
I also tell him the truth, in rare occasions it is the perfect word, and he just used it as such. I tell him that what he said was really funny. He picked the perfect place and time to use that word.
I explained that if he chooses to use that word it had better be appropriate. "Basically, buddy if you're going to use that word you better use it" .... and we say in unison "Like a fuckin' Boss!" It was a great road trip.
Now how does that tie into my big ass getting fit and training for the Iron Man 70.3? Well it doesn't really I just wanted to tell the Beau "Like a fuckin' boss" story. But for continuity and to maintain the integrity of the blog here is a tenuous link:
Some friends and family have asked me how I was gonna go vegan AND drag my fat, old ass, on my bad knees and with my bad back, 70 something miles for some Iron Man race. I respond to them all, "like a fucking' Boss!"
A when they say, "I hope you don't expect me to go vegan?" I say, "No, I expect you to shut the fuck up"
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