Lugging my body for miles on a treadmill takes a toll on the joints. They say every pound above the knees adds 4lbs of pressure on the knees. Since I'm carrying an extra 80+ pounds, all of it above the knees BTW, that's an extra 320lbs of pressure on my scrawny, scarred, weak, knobby knees.
I am doing it though. On the treadmill 5 days a week. I'm on track for 20 miles this week (17+ so far in 4 sessions). 20 miles on the treadmill. Hours and hours of more than 300lbs banging on my 80 year old knees. Thank God for "The Gravy".

The Gravy is a magic mixture of Aspercreme, Two Old Goats lotion and Warrior Mist.
Aspercreme is basically Trolamine Salicylate a topical analgesic with aloe.
Two Old Goats is a goat's milk lotion base combined with Aloe Vera, Almond Oil, and 6 natural
anti-inflammatory essential oils; German Chamomile, French Lavender, Rosemary,
Eucalyptus, Peppermint and Birch Bark.
Warrior Mist™ contains DMSO (99.9% pure), peppermint oil, olive oil, distilled water, MSM, magnesium chloride, lemon oil, lavender oil, coconut oil, and chlorella growth factor.
What gives The Gravy it's gestalt is Warrior Mist's main ingredient, DMSO.
DMSO (Dimethyl sulfoxide) is a solvent derived as a byproduct from the wood processing industry. WIKI DMSO HERE
DMSO is a topical analgesic and reduces inflammation by several mechanisms. It is an antioxidant, a scavenger of the free radicals that gather at the site of injury. It also has an amazing ability to penetrate membranes. So as DMSO passes non toxicly thru the skin to ease pain, it can carry with it other drugs and compounds. There controversy over the science but I can tell you emphatically, this shit works.
Really, I couldn't do it without The Gravy. I get up about 5am, take my 3T's (Tramadol, Tylenol, and Turmeric) and slather on The Gravy. Then I give everything about 30 minutes to take effect and drag my tired, 80 year old body to the gym.
The good news is running seems to get easier as the weight comes off. In fact I can't imagine how much easier running would be if I was 60 or 70 pounds lighter. Lets hope easy enough for me to be able to run 13.1 miles. Look for Guidry's Joint Gravy in your local pharmacy soon
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