At 9 he eats a better variety of nutritious foods then most of the Mississippi adults I know. He's ahead of the game in many ways.

When I asked him about eating his veggies, he explained to me that they make him strong and keep him from getting sick. No joke that's what he said. He gets it, at 9. I am so proud of that boy. To him food is fuel and support for your body, snacks are a treat you earn.
At 9 he is denying himself for his own good. He is delaying gratification. He is my hero.
To most of the adults I know everything they eat is a "treat". The only delay in gratification is how long it takes for Dominoes to deliver. All food choices are based on desire and effect only. I want this, so I can feel better, feel full. feel satisfied, feel happy. Right now. I want a treat! Most people I know (me included until recently), trade short term pleasure for long term pain. One donut, cigarette, Jeager shot, Snickers, Red bull, ice cream sundae, Philly cheese steak at a time.
To change my diet to vegan I had to redefine the purpose of food in my life. To "eat to live" not "live to eat". I have to re-calibrate my system to appreciate that food is fuel and nutritious food is support for the defense and healing of the body.
Making the decision to eat a diet based on what is BEST for me and not what my diseased, addicted mind tells me I want, is a grown up move. 40 years after my boy got it but better late then never.
It's trading short term pain for long term pleasure. I need to eat good healthy wholesome food if I want to live a long health life. Doing anything else, especially not eating a healthy diet because it doesn't taste as good as the unhealthy stuff, is just childish.
Once the decision to eat for health is made I also have a duty to study what is "good", to research what I should eat. I can't just accept what the Government says is good, or what an industry says is good. I must do my own research. It becomes a responsibility, another grown up concept.
As a result of this choice what I eat will not always taste as great as the things I could eat if I just don't care about being healthy. I could eat a Philly cheese steak, which is arguably the worst food you can eat, but also the epitome of what tastes awesome. I could eat one but I choose not to. Because it's bad for me. A salad would be better. Hey I'd feel better if I shot some heroin I'm sure. I'm not going to do that either. Yes I just compared a cheese steak to Heroin.... It's the same concept. And there is research to suggest that you'd be better off with the Heroin. Just sayin'.
I'll follow my son's lead. Delaying gratification and making the grown up choices. He works hard, plays hard and eats well so he deserves the occasional treat. Some Cheetos after a swim meet are an appropriate one. He likes the Flamin' Hot 'cause he's my boy!

i like the timer that set a deadline to really do what you are set out to do. its harder to quit oxys than do what you are doing. when you talk to people about vegan they flip out and attack you without listening to what your facts are. i grew up thinking vegans were leftist pussies.now im starting to realize(from watching your transformation) that eating right can really make a difference.