Food was a drug I abused. I was an addict. I used food to feel better. It's a short term fix with horrific side effects. Most of the people I know see food that way. Food is not fuel to run the body or a source of nutrition for care and repair of the body. Food was just a drug used to change how I felt in the moment. A junkie who needed a fix. Food was my drug of choice. It's actually a lot of peoples drug, especially in Mississippi.
"Food is the most widely abused anti-anxiety drug in America, and exercise is the most potent and underutilized antidepressant." - Bill Phillips
Food is a drug. But are we using this drug for medicinal purposes or for pleasure/recreation?
When I am eating my lunch at work I get the questions..."What the hell are you eating?" When I answer "greens, beans, onions, mushrooms and veggies"
Then I get "Why?"
I answer "Nutrition, health, well being, to lose weight, live longer, feel better" My lunch has about 200 calories, no fat, no salt, almost no carbs/sugar, about 20 grams of protein and tons of micro nutrients. It's basically a supplement but it smells great and tastes great and you eat it.

"Naw man what are ya stupid?, I'm eating it 'cause it tastes good!" Sure it does! It's 970 calories, 530 from fat, 1890mg of sodium which is almost the daily limit. Add medium fries and a medium Coke your at total of 1620 calories, more than half from fat and more then the upper limit of salt for a day and 168 total grams of sugar. This is the same as a half a stick of butter, 40 teaspoons of sugar and a whole teaspoon of salt.
All food is a drug, some foods are bad drugs like crack and meth; Some foods are good drugs that lower cholesterol and blood pressure. I was addicted to the crack and meth of foods. Fat salt and sugar.
Now I "use" the good food drugs as my new medicine. My blood pressure is down, my cholesterol is down, my weight is down, I stopped snoring, I sleep better, I'm regular... every aspect of my health is better.
bacon hater lol