
Livin the dream

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Woo Hoo ! I'M JUST OBESE! (no longer morbidly obese)

Not that it is important.. weight is just a number, health is the goal, but... I now weigh less than I did when I joined the Army in 1983.  I weigh less than the lie I told the DMV when I got my Mississippi Drivers License.  I am down 62 pounds in 3 months.  I know the easy part is over, every pound from now on out will be harder to lose, BUT, this is a great start.  It's OK to take a moment and appreciate the progress.

Truth be told it was not crazy hard and I am not starving, in fact I slipped a little the other day.  More on that in a minute.

I'm really starting to believe that I can do this.  Lose 100+ pounds and become healthy and fit before I turn 50 next year.  By eating for health rather than eating for pleasure the tide has really turned.  I am now only OBESE!  Not MORBIDLY OBESE!  pretty cool huh?

OK now about the "slip".  I have my excuses all lined up.   I was lonely and depressed.  But most of all I was hungry, actually, for real, hungry.

I had gotten lazy on the food prep and shopping so there was little to eat in the house.  My stomach was growling,  I felt weak.  That's when addiction get's ya.  When you're weak.  I went out for a drive.  Not looking to score jut too see if my boys were on the corner.   That's when I drove by my local dealer.  He was workin the corner like always, my boy Mac D was steady slingin 24-7.    I rolled thru and got a double cheese burger, fries and a coke.  Like it was nothing, in broad daylight, they sold me poison and even took a debit card.

I'd love to report that it made me sick.  I want to tell you that it didn't taste good.  But I can't.  It was awesome.  The salt and fat and carbs were wonderful.  I almost got sick because I was eating so fast.  I had to pull over and make myself slow down.  Damn, the chemists and food technicians that put together the McDonald's menu know what they're doing.  The combination of tastes and chemically enhanced smells is unparalleled.  I was stuffed and in a food coma for about 20 minutes.

My body did react though about 3 hours later the "meal" went right thru me.  What was produced was an atrocity.  It was shocking after months of very predictable and generally unremarkable movements to produce this war crime of waste.

I'm back on the plan and ready to tackle the next 40 pounds.  But hey 60 pounds...  I am stoked. 

1 comment:

  1. 60 pounds! Wow! Good for you! That's awesome. Congratulations!
